Welcome to the Writer's Corner. Look around, there is a lot of good stuff for all of you low income writers. There will be more coming up.

What do People want to read about?

If you are writing for a living, what would you want to write about to  get some good money? Here is a list of the things that most people want to read about and will look up on the internet.

The One Thing Triond Beginners Should Never Attempt

This is the one thing you should never write about until you have one year of experience on Triond. Read it here.

Five Things You Should Avoid Writing About

Writing is one thing that a writer loves to do. But what if you write such a bad article, you yourself want to delete it? Read this hot but hated article to find out what you should write about.

How to avoid a writer's worst nightmare: A Writer's block

This is for all of you low income writers like me. You write some articles, post them to some site that pay for articles, and make some one to two dollars a month from this. But what happens when you run out of ideas? Sucks, right? I understand. How do you overcome a writer's block? Read this article to find out.

Five Tricks For Writing a Successful Article

Okay, so you want to be a good writer, right? Well I want to be one, too. While writing, I have come up with these few peices of advice. Click Here to read article.

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