Freelance Writing Oppurtunities 

 Writing is a good way to share information, and express yourself. But how would you like it if you could get paid for it? Well, you can.

There are many ways to make a good extra income online just by writing high quality articles. There is a huge amount of websites that are looking for some good unique content. However, looking for them on Google won't help much. I tried to look for some of these sites, but all I found were blogs and sites that were trying to sell me stuff.

This is why I made a list of the best sites for freelance writers to make a good income.

But before I show you that, there is something you need to know what kinds of content submission sites there are. There are two types of content submission sites; one that pays you a percentage of all the pay-per-click ads that they place on your articles, and some that act as a marketplace where there are people selling content (possibly you) and people that are content hungry. Both can be profitable, you just have to write stuff the right way.

From the sites that give you a percentage of the ad revenue, you earn money upto the time that you delete that peice of content or until you die. But it isn't much money at all. After writing about twenty articles, I was able to make one dollar and eight cents so far. That is considered an average income for people writing on these types of sites.

There are some sites like that from which you can earn a good amount of extra money every single month. More about that later.

If you chose the other group of sites, you can make a good two to three hundred extra dollars a month, provided that people buy from you.

So now here is the list:

Ad Revenue Sharing Sites

-Triond: Triond is a really popular site. I use Triond usually. The content I write gets published on their huge network of sites. Those sites get a good search engine ranking and result in a good amount of page views.

The only thing I don't like about Triond is the money. I don't make much money; I got lucky with one article and got over five hundred views, but I still have made a dollar from that article.

-Bukisa: Bukisa is a good place to put your articles. Sure, it doesn't have any sister sites, but it has a good writing environment. Plus, you get good pay for every 1000 article views according to the Bukisa Index, which is pretty generous pay. I have just recently started writing for Bukisa, so I don't know everything about it.

-Associated Content: I have a problem with Associated Content. It is just not for me. True, you get a good upfront payment (one to twenty dollars) plus lifetime royalties, but it isn't as good of an environment for writing. It is more professional and is for advanced writers. However it is a good site; you get an upfront payment and also lifetime royalties

-Suite101: Suite101 is like AC, but it requires writing experience. So if you have not been freelancing for less than a week or two, this is for you.

-Hubpages: HubPages is an extremely good site for submitting content. Unlike Triond and all the other sites, your content is instantly approved, as long as it is original content. Here, you don't earn a percentage of their ad revenue, but from your own ad revenue. Yes, you get to chose from AdSense, Kontera, Amazon, eBay, and other affiliate programs to build your revenue. Also, according to HubPages, many of their users make hundreds of dollars each month.

There are also many sites that act like a market for buying and selling content. Here are some of them:

-ConstantContant: I like ConstantContent because of many reasons. You get paid extremely well, some ten to one hundred dollars an article. However, they keep forty five percent of the total paid.

You can grant the customer three types of rights to your content:

1. Usage

2. Unique

3. Full Rights

The best part about this is that you can set different prices for your content.

Also, customers can request content, and set what they are willing to pay for that content. This is what I absolutely love about this site.

-Helium: Helium is like Triond and ConstantContent put together; it pays you lifetime royalties from your work, or you could sell your work to people that have requested content from Helium.

These are a few of the sites that you can earn money by writing.

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