Welcome to Gourab's Articles. Here, I have put together all the articles I have written in my life. Feel free to look around. It is free.

Featured Health Article: Six Things You Probably didn't know About Your Brain

The brain is one of the most "knowledgable parts of your body. But how much do you truly know about it? Click Here to read this article and to find out more about your brain.

Writer's Corner: How to avoid a writer's worst Nightmare: A Writer's Block

For all of you low income teenage writers that are writing for Triond, or some other sites that pay just as low wages, you now how it feels to lose your work. I understand how you might feel if you get a writer's block. Click here to read the article.

Out of the Ordinary: Is Bigfoot Real?

Many kids are scared out of their beds by the thought of a scary monster. Now it seems like their parents are scared of monsters, too. People are looking for the legendary monster Bigfoot. Some people say that Bigfoots (yes, they could be a species) are real. But are they right, or are these supposed bigfoot sightings just hoaxes. Click here to read the article.

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